Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities.
ATRIUM aims to empower Arts and Humanities scholars in their use of digital methods by facilitating access to a wide range of reusable workflows and interoperable, composable services offered by leading research infrastructures in the Arts and Humanities domain.
The MaTOS (Machine Translation for Open Science) project aims to develop new methods for the machine translation (MT) of complete scientific documents, as well as automatic metrics to evaluate the quality of these translations.
Socio-inspired Neural Networks.
Translating with large language models.
ViRtual bEhaVioral skIlls TrAining for pubLIc SpEaking.
Institute for interdisciplinary research and education in Artificial Intelligence, founded by 5 academic an 16 industrial members.
Development of a text simplification algorithm and an accessible tool to ease the production of FALC (the French equivalent of “Easy read”).
Linguistic issues in language technology.
Very large research infrastructure (TGIR) aimed at facilitating the digitalisation of humanities and social sciences.
Standardisation and structuring of cancer-related health data.
Resources and tools for languages of France.
Transforming Interdisciplinary Education and Research for Evolving Democracies.
Generalization of HTR models through the production of data for Romance languages and medieval manuscripts.
The SaLM project is a collaborative effort between Inria Paris and Sciences Po that seeks to enhance NLP and LLM algorithms by integrating social contexts into their development and assessment.
Automation of document deciperhing from ancient, medieval and modern history.
AI4IDF is a structuring and federating research project devoted to artificial intelligence, a scientific and technological field that has become unavoidable.
Philology And Resolution of Abbreviations in Manuscripts obtained by HTR at Scale.
CLLG is a project aimed at creating a FAIR corpus of ancient Greek texts and improving the production of structured documents from digitized books.
The Universal Dependencies project is an open community effort with over 300 contributors producing nearly 200 treebanks in over 100 languages.
Impact of personality on conversation, impact of conversational features on personality.